He is home!!
On July 10th, I got a phone call from Ireland. "Honey, I'm almost there." At 10:30 pm, the plane pulled into Green Ramp. My mother-in-law and I looked at each other and just about lost it. It was the only time that night that I cried. I cannot begin to put into words the overwhelming emotions I felt at seeing the plane pull in.
30 minutes later, they were off the plane and marching in formation into the hangar. It was incredible to not only see the hubby but our "sons" (dear single soldier friends) break formation and head in my direction. Those were the best hugs that I had received in months.
I hope to have some pictures up soon. My camera batteries died right as they were marching in. Great timing, and of course I didn't have extras. My in-laws have a few that I need to get. The photographer that was there got some great ones, but she does not release the pictures digitally. What? I know that's what I said. Anyway I will scan the prints once I get them. I will also have to crop out the pics the in-laws have of our greeting, because the hubby is grabbing my butt. What can I say - it's been 15 months. ;)