30 September 2010

Nostalgia and Rollercoasters

I'm not sure if it's pregnancy or just being stuck in this town too long, but lately nothing has sounded as good as home does. I've been going to visit my parents as much as possible. I think another factor is the friend factor. This time last year I was surrounded by friends that I had really grown to care about. However, starting in January, they slowly started trickling to other duty stations. We stay in touch as much as possible, but different time zones and busy schedules make it difficult. I wasn't prepared for that part of Army life.

On another note, did you know that when you are pregnant you aren't supposed to ride rollercoasters? Could someone please send that memo to my hormones. They certainly have not gotten the message. Poor Hubs, in five minutes flat he can go from the greatest man on the planet to the person driving me the most crazy. He has been very sweet in putting up with me. Yes putting up with me, these hormones are NO joke!

Ending on a happy note, have you seen this video? It makes me smile!

Thanks, Naomi for sharing it. P.S. If you haven't checked out her adorable blog, you really should.

28 September 2010

It's a...

Lots going on with our lil family. First and most exciting, it's a ... GIRL! I'm not sure that excited even covers it. Our due date moved up so baby Snick (family nickname) will be here in early February. This week we have really started working on her nursery i.e. cleaning out the crap that is in it. We also should be getting her crib and dresser ordered either this week or next. I have all kinds of ideas for her nursery. 

In other news, the hubs is still waiting to hear about the job change. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh speaking of the hubs, he felt Baby Snick move for the first time tonight. It was a very exciting moment for us both. While I have been feeling her rumblings for a while, I've been anxiously waiting for the Hubs to get to experience it. It was truly a priceless moment. 

We've almost made it halfway through the week! Here's to a fabulous hump day tomorrow! 

10 September 2010

A Day to Remember

Like many Americans, I will stop tomorrow for a moment of silence to remember the many Americans who's lives were so quickly taken that day 9 years ago. It is a day that forever changed our lives. The Hubs joined the army because of 9/11. I am so proud of him for his decision and all that he has done while in the army. Despite the challenges that we have faced over the last three years, I will always be proud of his service to this incredible country. 

On a happier note, tomorrow is also my sister-in-laws one year wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Liz and Wade! We love you guys. Photo is of Liz with her parents. 

*All photos by me. 

03 September 2010

Everday should be a weekend day

Just a few more short work hours, and I will be on my way to see my family for the weekend. I love long weekends. Here are a few other things I'm loving today:
Ice cream - seriously after looking at those pics I'm ready to head to the nearest store.
Lil Baby Bump - it's starting to show and I'm starting to love it.
Cooler nights and mornings - there is hope that fall is around the corner.
Dresses - can't get enough of them right now. they are the most comfortable thing to wear at work with the baby bump.
The Hubs and the furball - they make me smile everyday with their silly, sweet personalities.

Got big plans for the long weekend? What are you loving today?

02 September 2010

Moved, Training and Baby

I have a confession to make. We have been thinking about lots of other things than baby around our house. Don't get me wrong - we are thrilled. And we do spend lots of timing thinking and talking about baby. However, we've had this little thing called Major Life Changes that we've been dealing with. First, we were looking for a new place. Second, the Army has been throwing us all kinds of curveballs. We are still dealing with those. Hopefully by the end of the month, we will have some answers by the end of the month. The hubs is looking at some major career changers so it's been pretty stressful. Third, we found a place and moved. We were so blessed to have 7 incredible friends come help us. Can you believe we were out of the old and into the new place in three hours? So amazing!

I have several real life and bloggie friends that are pregnant. It is all over their blogs and facebook pages. I feel a little guilty. It's not that we aren't super excited for the lil bug. There have just been major things going on. Plus we were in that don't-look-preggo-not-feeling-sick limbo. There were a lot of days when I had to remind myself that I was in fact pregnant. Recently, my pants have been letting me know that I am pregnant. It's a good feeling except that most days I just look like I ate too many wings for lunch. Oh well I'm sure soon I will wish for those days.

I know I continually promise to blog more. It is in the plans as soon as I get this new place in order. Bring on the nesting!

Since we are talking babies today, I leave you with one of the cutest "we're having a baby" announcements that I've seen in a long time. Guess What?