28 September 2010

It's a...

Lots going on with our lil family. First and most exciting, it's a ... GIRL! I'm not sure that excited even covers it. Our due date moved up so baby Snick (family nickname) will be here in early February. This week we have really started working on her nursery i.e. cleaning out the crap that is in it. We also should be getting her crib and dresser ordered either this week or next. I have all kinds of ideas for her nursery. 

In other news, the hubs is still waiting to hear about the job change. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh speaking of the hubs, he felt Baby Snick move for the first time tonight. It was a very exciting moment for us both. While I have been feeling her rumblings for a while, I've been anxiously waiting for the Hubs to get to experience it. It was truly a priceless moment. 

We've almost made it halfway through the week! Here's to a fabulous hump day tomorrow! 

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