06 September 2011

My Person

I have a person. Do you have a person? Do you even know what I'm talking about? I find the term bff a little too grade school for me, but I have a great person!
B and her adorable daughter

When we first met, B and I were dancing at a conservatory in Florida. It sounds a lot fancier than it really was. We bonded over missing our home state, parent issues, our love of dance, and random other things that 16 year old girls love. But things happened in our lives and we went years without talking, I thought of her often but was really too stubborn to get off my high horse and try to find her. Luckily, B found me. After a few awkward exchanges and a little prodding from Adam, we were soon like peas and carrots again.

While we really were great friends in high school, our friendship as adults is something I cherish more than words can express. We have bonded over planning our weddings, photography, sushi, and now our baby girls. Did I mention we got married within weeks of each other and then three years later had daughters within three weeks of each other? Both of which were not planned! Told you we were close.

She keeps me grounded, listens to me complain gush about my husband, and helps me stay current. Let me tell you if it wasn't for this woman, I wouldn't know about things like Pioneer Woman, Pinterest, Zulily, etc. You get the point.  Oh and I wouldn't have this little blog. But she does so much more than help me navigate the interwebs, she reminds me that I am a strong woman. She is proud of the woman that she has become and doesn't apologize for who she is. She inspires me to be an even better version of myself. We bond over the "crazysauce that is our families." But more than all that, B is one of the few people that I can and will say anything to. Thanks to technology, aka text messaging, we talk almost everyday. Which is great because there are days that despite living in the same state, it feels like I live on the other side of the world. I really don't know what I would do without her.

It's B's birthday so head over to her blog and wish her a Happy Birthday.

P.S. She has a great blog. Check her out here.

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