20 February 2009


A friend posted a blog this week about her argument for why gay marriage should be legalized. She wrote a well researched opinion, but it was her opinion. I think that was her whole point was to get her opinion out there. While she is passionate about what she believes, she is understanding that others do not share her opinion. My point is that while we are entitled to our opinion we have to remember that others are entitled to theirs as well.

The backbone of this country is freedom. The right to be free to express yourself, your beliefs and so many other freedoms that we take for granted every day. However I find that many people feel that these freedoms only belong to certain groups. You are free to believe in your religion as long as it's Christianity. You are free to express your views as long as they agree with mine. Wrong people wrong. This is not at all what the writers of the Constitution had in mind. They dreamed of a place where all different types of people could commune together. They had enough foresight to understand that the world was not made up of one view and one religion. They understood these things to be mere ideas something that could not be made concrete nor grasped. At the same time, they understood the importance of these mere ideals.

I encourage you today and every day to remember that the greatness of this country is found in it's individuals. We are each unique and have something to teach others. It is not to say that our goal should be to change their minds, but I promise if you open your mind and listen to others. You just might learn something. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend. My "niece" turned one this week so I'm off to celebrate her birthday and hang out with some of my favorite people! 

1 comment:

bonniebelle said...

Awesome blog babe! Way to go!