13 August 2010

30 List Update

Remember the 30 List? I thought I would give you a quick update. You see one of the lil items on there has been the reason for my blogger absence. I truly do miss blogging and hope soon to be posting regularly. In the meantime, back to the list. So how have I been doing?

Well the GRE/grad school item has been a major fail. I also have not been running as much. In fact, the half-marathon has been indefinitely put on hold. I have been wearing lipstick - silly item on the list but still important.

However, the biggest list success has been the one about expanding our family. I'm thrilled to say that in Feb 2011 we will be welcoming a much anticipated addition to the family. The hubs and I were thrilled to find out in early June that we will be having a baby.

As we wait for this much anticipated event, we have a lot going on. We are moving again. We are still at the same post, but with lil squirt on the way, a move was necessary. The hubs is going after a career change. We will know by the end of Sept what our future for the next year or two holds. Keep your fingers crossed.

I apologize for the lack of posts, but as you can see there has been a lot going on. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. We are off to spend some quality time with the Hubs family. Got anything fun planned this weekend?

1 comment:

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Congratulations, such exciting news!