14 May 2010

Funky Friday

Yep it has been a funky week, and so far Friday is proving to be funky also! Oh well! The good news is that The Hubs and I have a weekend of fun planned! It is after all my birthday weekend! Technically my birthday is tuesday, but we are doing a lot of celebrating this weekend. My bestie and her hubby are coming to town tomorrow. Watch out F-ville because two crazy girls are going to be on the lose with a whole gaggle of military men! Let the craziness commence!

Speaking of the military, I just want to grab myself some perspective at the moment. The Army has really thrown us for a loop this week. Oh c'est la vie! Anyway what I want to say is that it's all about perspective. While the Army often reschedules our lives for us, it has provided some great things. The Hubs and I both have made AMAZING friends thanks to the Army. We have insurance and a roof over our heads. The Hubs has job security. But more than all that, I've learned to appreciate who my husband is and all that he does. I don't think I would have seen that side as much if he had a different job. Plus I wouldn't trade our military friends and "sons" for anything in the world!

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