23 January 2011

Precious Metal

I am a sentimental romantic when it comes to jewelry. I have very few pieces that are not from a specific person or event. I love looking in the mirror or on my hand and knowing the story/person behind each piece.

I don't think there is a more romantic or memorable time to get a piece of jewelry from your husband than when it's in honor of giving birth to a child. I've looked at a lot of pieces recently - necklaces, bracelets, etc. I have come to the conclusion that just because it's in honor of your child it doesn't have to be something cheesy. I think the below would be the perfect gift *cough* Hubs *cough.

The Radiance Ring from Swarovski found here. Isn't it beautiful? 


Anonymous said...

I completely agree and I Love Love that ring. I showed it to my hubby & my son :)

Hope you are feeling well?!?

Tales from the Trails said...

Oh my, what a gorgeous ring. Hhhmmm, may have to strategically leave this post up on the computer for my hubby to see ; )